Actress Zoe Saldana of COLOMBIANA Thinks #ColombiaIsBeautiful Campaign is “Stupid”

Aug 24, 2011
10:36 AM

In an interview today with The Wall Street Journal, actress Zoe Saldana discussed the recent #ColombiaIsBeautiful campaign being waged to call attention to the movie COLOMBIANA. Por Colombia Nacional, an organization formed to educate people about Colombia's history and culture, has appeared in several news stories about the campaign, and the WSJ now has Saldana on record discussing her thoughts about #ColombiaIsBeautiful. Saldana, who is Puerto Rican and Dominican, is a rising Latina Hollywood star.

WSJ: The nonprofit group PorColombia has launched a campaign against "Colombiana," saying it portrays Latinos in a negative light. How do you respond?

ZS: Shame on them? I don't know, I wish I knew how to address stupid unintelligent comments but I don't, I'm not a stupid person. I'm sorry, I never like to get political but it's just a shame that there are so many people out there that think so ignorantly. She could have been from Puerto Rico, she could have been from Goa, she could have been from China. But Luc Besson just wanted her to be from Colombia. Once you watch the movie, it has nothing to do with drugs, it has to do with violence. But violence lives in every city in every corner in every part of the world. So that said, PorColombia, are you kidding me? I've been trying to be diplomatic about it because I don't want to be bitter. Why would you think that this was made in such a simple fashion?