Two days before the GOP Primary will be held in Puerto Rico, Mitt Romney and his campaign have released an Open Letter to the People of Puerto Rico. We are running the open letter in both English and Spanish, since it is an open letter. English version comes from TIME and Spanish version comes from EL VOCERO.
An Open Letter to the People of Puerto Rico
This Sunday, the Republican race for the presidency comes to Puerto Rico. Voters will have a chance to choose an alternative to Barack Obama. Residents of the island have special reasons for wanting to bid him farewell.
For one thing, in Luis Fortuño, Puerto Rico finally has a Governor who understands how to repair what is ailing the island’s economy. His low tax and good government policies would have a strong chance to have a greater impact than they are having were not Barack Obama’s policies blocking the way. From the out-of-control and wasteful spending of the ill named “economic stimulus” bill to “green” investments using taxpayer dollars in companies like the now-bankrupt Solyndra, Barack Obama’s policies have given us the most anemic economic recovery since the Great Depression. Things don’t have to be this way.
Governor Fortuño understands what I understand from my long experience working in the private sector: The most critical thing to get the economy rolling again is for government to get out of the way. We need lower taxes and to eliminate unnecessary regulations. We need to make our government simpler, smaller, and smarter. Every job created on the island is another American job added to our nation’s economic comeback.
As president, I would begin by reversing the policies set by Washington that are having a negative impact on the economy of Puerto Rico and strangling the economy of the country at large. The only way to begin this recovery is to remove Barack Obama from office and replace him with someone who understands how jobs are created and how they are lost.
I’ve spent most of my life turning around failing companies and helping to start new ones which created new jobs. It’s time to think seriously about eliminating the obstacles to economic growth in Puerto Rico and in the United States as a whole. If I am elected President, that will be my goal.
I also will work to settle the Island’s 113-year political status question. Around the world, the United States has helped plant the seeds of democracy. Meanwhile, close to four million American citizens in Puerto Rico do not enjoy the same rights and privileges of democracy as their other fellow citizens. It is time to close the book on one of the great unresolved questions of American democracy. As president, I will provide the leadership and resources necessary to ensure that this century-old question gets resolved. That is my solemn pledge.
Mitt Romney
Carta Abierta al Pueblo de Puerto Rico
Este domingo la contienda republicana por la presidencia llega a Puerto Rico. Los votantes tendrán la oportunidad de escoger una alternativa a Barack Obama. Y los residentes de la Isla tienen razones especiales para decirle adiós.
Por una parte, Puerto Rico finalmente tiene en Luis Fortuño a un Gobernador que entiende cómo arreglar los problemas que aquejan la economía de la Isla. Sus políticas de responsabilidad gubernamental y menos impuestos tendrían una gran oportunidad de tener más impacto del que ya han tenido si no fuera porque las políticas de Barack Obama lo impiden. Desde los gastos descontrolados y el despilfarro de la mal llamada “ley de estímulo económico”, a las inversiones “verdes” con fondos del contribuyente a la compañía Solyndra en bancarrota, las políticas de Barack Obama nos han llevado a la recuperación más anémica desde la Gran Depresión. Las cosas no tienen por qué ser así.
El Gobernador Fortuño entiende lo mismo que yo he aprendido de mi larga experiencia trabajando en el sector privado: Lo más importante es que vamos a poner la economía en marcha otra vez para que el gobierno deje de ser un obstáculo. Necesitamos rebajar impuestos y eliminar las regulaciones innecesarias. Necesitamos hacer que nuestro gobierno sea más simple, más reducido y más eficaz. Cada empleo creado en la Isla es otro empleo americano que aportamos a la recuperación de nuestra economía nacional.
Como Presidente, comenzaré por revertir las políticas establecidas en Washington que están impactando negativamente la economía de Puerto Rico y estrangulando la economía de toda la nación. La única forma de empezar esta recuperación es quitar a Barack Obama de la presidencia y reemplazarlo con alguien que entienda cómo crear empleos y cómo no perderlos.
He pasado la mayor parte de mi vida levantando compañías que estaban fracasando y ayudando a crear nuevas compañías para crear nuevos empleos. Es hora de pensar seriamente en eliminar los obstáculos al crecimiento económico en Puerto Rico y en todos los Estados Unidos. Si soy electo Presidente, esa será mi meta.
También trabajaré para solucionar el estatus político de la Isla que se ha extendido por 113 años. Los Estados Unidos han ayudado a plantar las semillas de la democracia alrededor del mundo. Mientras tanto, cerca de cuatro millones de ciudadanos americanos no disfrutan de los mismos derechos y privilegios de la democracia que sus conciudadanos. Es hora de poner fin a uno de los grandes temas pendientes sin resolver de la democracia americana. Como presidente proveeré el liderazgo y los recursos necesarios para garantizar que este tema centenario se resuelva. Esa es mi promesa solemne.
Mitt Romney
2 responses to “Mitt Romney Sends An Open Letter to the People of Puerto Rico”
[…] April 23, 2012 by Julito Varela Good to see Florida Senator Marco Rubio commenting about the upcoming November plebiscite question in Puerto Rico. Sure, Rubio, who is of Cuban American descent, represents the state of Florida, which has seen an increase in voters of Puerto Rican descent the last few years, so it makes sense that he would weigh on the island’s non-binding vote to determine its political identity (statehood, independence or enhanced commonwealth). However, Rubio’s opinion reflects what most of the US Congress and President Obama is saying: the final decision by Puerto Ricans on the island has to be a clear majority, whatever that means. Just for reference, the 1958 statehood vote by Alaska won by a 6 to 1 margin, although only about 46,000 voted in Alaska. In 1959, Hawaii gained a 94% voted for statehood. Ironically, the one person who is pushing for a binding resolution of the status question is GOP front-runner Mi…. […]
[…] that the US Congress would still have to decide Puerto Rico’s political status and while Mitt Romney has promised that if Puerto Ricans chose statehood in the plebiscite he would push for t…, President Obama went on record last year to say that the plebiscite’s results would have to […]
[…] April 23, 2012 by Julito Varela Good to see Florida Senator Marco Rubio commenting about the upcoming November plebiscite question in Puerto Rico. Sure, Rubio, who is of Cuban American descent, represents the state of Florida, which has seen an increase in voters of Puerto Rican descent the last few years, so it makes sense that he would weigh on the island’s non-binding vote to determine its political identity (statehood, independence or enhanced commonwealth). However, Rubio’s opinion reflects what most of the US Congress and President Obama is saying: the final decision by Puerto Ricans on the island has to be a clear majority, whatever that means. Just for reference, the 1958 statehood vote by Alaska won by a 6 to 1 margin, although only about 46,000 voted in Alaska. In 1959, Hawaii gained a 94% voted for statehood. Ironically, the one person who is pushing for a binding resolution of the status question is GOP front-runner Mi…. […]
[…] that the US Congress would still have to decide Puerto Rico’s political status and while Mitt Romney has promised that if Puerto Ricans chose statehood in the plebiscite he would push for t…, President Obama went on record last year to say that the plebiscite’s results would have to […]