It was a piece of art we found while doing a Google search about life on La Frontera. We are glad we did.
Luckily for us, we were able to find out who the genius was this powerful piece—Felipe Galindo, a Mexican visual artist who lives in New York and is known as Feggo. We told Feggo that many of our fans on Facebook and Twitter really loved the piece, so much so that we made it our avatar for now (with a cross-link back to Feggo's page and with the right credit attribution).
As a result, we asked Feggo for an interview and he has agreed, so we are really excited to chat with him in the future about his art and his impressive career.
We KNEW this work would resonate with many, and we KNEW it would piss off the haters. That is what great art does. While clearly reflecting the realities of the border in the US, Feggo's piece is so well done and so damn smart and real that all a hater can do is display his ignorance. #NoMames, Johnny Reb.