NoArpaio.Org Releases Powerful Ad About Sheriff Joe: “432 Sex Crimes Ignored, 432 Victims Silenced”

Sep 24, 2012
3:48 PM

As Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio faces another re-election bid in November, social media is beginning to raise more and more awareness about how America's Toughest Sheriff has become not only one of the most polarizing officials in this country, but also a law enforcement official who overlooked some very serious crimes as he became preoccupied (some would say "obsessed") with high-profile immigration silliness and birther madness.

One group, (with over 118,000 Facebook likes), is actively sharing content about Arpaio's failings. As the following video shows, the group is serious.

Here is what the group posted on its YouTube page:

We need your help to air this TV commercial!

Donate here:

Sheriff Arpaio's MCSO failed to investigate 432 sex crimes. Want more information about his massive failure? You can learn more here:

ABC investigation about Arpaio's failure to investigate these crimes: and

Arpaio's halfhearted apology:

Bill Louis, former El Mirage Asst. Police Chief interview:

Senator McCain condemns Arpaio for these failures:

The more donations that come in, the more times we can run this ad on TV. The more we air the ad, the more Maricopa County voters will be informed of Arpaio's MASSIVE failures. Please consider donating something to help us: