As originally reported on January 29 by this outlet regarding Senator Chuck Schumer’s use of the word “illegals” on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” and after repeated conversations with to Schumer’s office that have lead nowhere, we (along with our friends from Cuéntame and and just wanted to take a moment and remind Senator Schumer that real immigration leaders know that words matter.
If you agree, let Senator Schumer know on Twitter by tweeting the hashtag #DroptheIword to @ChuckSchumer. You can also share this video, which is on Facebook as well.
We already sent several tweets, and all we are asking is that Senator Schumer respond and do the right thing. Be a true immigration leader, and not just a politician who is choosing the Issue of the Month to pander to U.S. Latino voters.
Tell @chuckschumer to #DroptheIword cc @mycuentame @presenteorg @joseiswriting @dreamersadrift @colorlines
— Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) February 27, 2013
Join us and others who believe that true immigration reform also involves changing the dialogue and the words we use.
“@latinorebels: Tell @chuckschumer to #DroptheIword cc @dreamthemovie @dreamact @erikaandiola @droptheiword”
— Erika Andiola (@ErikaAndiola) February 27, 2013