First of all, we want to give props to Jesse Washington, the Associated Press’ National Writer on Race and Ethnicity, for taking the time to tweet with us today. He didn’t have to, but it was really cool that he did.
The subject was our response to an AP piece that Washington wrote over the weekend. It was called, “‘First Latino pope,’ son of Italian immigrants, revives debate in the US: What makes a Latino?” and to us the story was a non-issue. We listed our reasons in our response to Washington’s piece, and we still believe that “reviving” a pointless debate that adds nothing to the current landscape of U.S. Latino issues was a mistake on AP’s part.
Nonetheless, Washington responded to us, and here is our conversation, with an assist by GinaVergel7:
@ginavergel7 we sure hope so, since we think the story was a non-issue and that’s not knocking the writer at all @jessewashington @ap
— Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) March 25, 2013
@latinorebels @ginavergel7 thanks for the link. A few points: 1) Several Latino and Latina journalists vetted the piece.
— Jesse Washington (@jessewashington) March 25, 2013
@latinorebels @ginavergel7 2) we have written extensively about Pope Francis’ past. No crickets at AP.
— Jesse Washington (@jessewashington) March 25, 2013
@latinorebels @ginavergel7 3) you said “controversy” a few times. That word is not in the piece. There is none that I can tell. Debate, yes.
— Jesse Washington (@jessewashington) March 25, 2013
@latinorebels @ginavergel7 Many dislike me covering widespread ideas with which they disagree. I get that type of critique often.
— Jesse Washington (@jessewashington) March 25, 2013
@latinorebels @ginavergel7 All that said: your critique is welcome and a valuable part of the conversation–so, thank you.
— Jesse Washington (@jessewashington) March 25, 2013
@jessewashington thanks for reply, can’t wait for same and more important debate about why AP still uses “illegal immigrant” @ginavergel7
— Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) March 25, 2013
@jessewashington “revived debate” is non-issue u are getting bad advice by Latino journos many readers thought piece was silly @ginavergel7
— Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) March 25, 2013
@jessewashington really appreciate your response, we will agree to disagree on this one and hope the AP does better next time @ginavergel7
— Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) March 25, 2013
@jessewashington we don’t dislike you at all and what you do, but “Pope is Latino” story was a non-story @ginavergel7
— Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) March 25, 2013
@jessewashington one last thing: just b/c some Latin@ journos vetted the piece doesn’t mean that story was needed or valid @ginavergel7
— Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) March 25, 2013
We still think the AP story was a non-story, and it was interesting that Washington didn’t address the other piece we mentioned in our response (which talks about an “off-white” America) or that the AP board currently does not have a Latino journalist. We know that is not Washington’s charge —he is doing the work of a good reporter— but we are really hoping that he takes our suggestions to heart, especially this one: if the AP wants to dedicate three digital pages about whether the Pope is Latino or not, then it should follow a similar path and debate why it still uses the term “illegal immigrant” in its copy. That media issue is so much more important within the context of U.S. Latinos and media than what people think of a pope from Argentina. That is what the AP should be doing, and maybe this entire Twitter convo will lead to some improvements. We sure hope so, since we appreciate that Washington took the time to tweet with us. Now let’s see if the AP is listening.
While professing to be ‘ profoundly disturbed’ by the aggression of anti-Semitic Germany, Roosevelt continued his special friendship for Soviet Russia after its attacks upon Outer Mongolia, Poland, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithuania and Finland. Professing an adoration for ‘ democracy’ he refused, as the Jews control 90 percent of the scrap iron business, to invoke the Neutrality Act against Japan in its on China, or against Russia when, with Germany, she invaded Poland and attacked Finland. He extended a warm welcome to the Communist Ambassador Oumansky when he presented his credentials and, on the same day, displayed marked coldness toward the newly appointed Ambassador from Christian Spain