Jan Brewer sure knows how to dig in her heels. But if you follower her logic, she too is an “illegal.” Give it up to the Phoenix New Times for making the connection.
Here is the exchange they posted between Brewer and ABC News’ Jim Avila:
When asked about why she still uses “illegal immigrant,” here is what the Arizona governor said:
“To me they’re illegal immigrants,” Brewer told ABC News. “When you break the law, you’re doing something illegal, that makes you an illegal, so they are illegal immigrants.”
ABC’s Jim Avila explained that if you make an illegal turn while driving, you’re not forever an “illegal driver.”
“[It’s] really a play on words,” illegal Governor Brewer explained.
Avila countered, “It is a play on words that’s offensive to some people.”
“. . .[long awkward pause]. . .” Brewer responded. “Well, I’m sorry, but, you know, I believe that if you break the law, and you’re an illegal immigrant, and you’re in this country illegally, and you are an illegal immigrant.”
The New Times also posted a copy of Brewer’s DUI in 1988:
Jan Brewer is an “illegal.”
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