As reported by CityPages.com in Minneapolis, the NFL’s Minnesota Vikings got into a little Twitter trouble when it originally tweeted this before it’s game against the Cleveland Browns yesterday:
We are celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month at today’s game.#BeatTheBrowns pic.twitter.com/h1tNIaXJ56
— Minnesota Vikings (@Vikings) September 22, 2013
The tweet has since been deleted and was replaced with a safer tweet:
30 minutes until kickoff. We are ready. #BeatTheBrowns pic.twitter.com/5jcMvrk5iJ
— Minnesota Vikings (@Vikings) September 22, 2013
However, you knew that some people online would call out the Vikings for the unfortunate tweet:
@Vikings tweet they were celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month at today's game with the hashtag "BeatTheBrowns" …Somewhat racist?
— Mike Lunka (@lunkadunks) September 23, 2013
That awkwardly awesome moment when the @Vikings tweet #BeatTheBrowns on #NFL 's Hispanic heritage appreciation day. So. Funny.
— Don Corleone (@JordanHasWings) September 23, 2013
Look at this ironic tweet from the vikings about celebrating Hispanic month with a #BeatTheBrowns hashtag lolol #Um? pic.twitter.com/Gekb8IvQn5
— Sav (@sav_green3) September 23, 2013
Who played worse yesterday, the @Vikings players or their social media team when they used #Beatthebrowns in a Hispanic Heritage tweet?
— Ryan Adams (@thecalhounboy) September 23, 2013
RT @lostabet: It’s the NFL’s Hispanic Heritage Month. Way to go with the #BeatTheBrowns hashtag, #Vikings!
— Andy Gifford (@andygifford) September 22, 2013
The NFL has been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at all its games, although some of the reactions have been less than stellar.
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