When we got the following story from Addicting Info, we did not believe it. But when we read the actual bill that Arizona Republican legislator Carl See (Phoenix) is endorsing, we knew it wasn’t a joke.
The HuffPost’s Roque Planas also wrote about Seel and since Roque is good peeps, we really knew that it wasn’t a joke:
An Arizona Republican wants to make it a crime for undocumented people to do almost anything in his state.
State Rep. Carl Seel (R-Phoenix) has proposed a bill that would make it illegal for undocumented immigrants to receive any public benefits — including attending public school or using a public road. Violating the proposed law would result in misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for subsequent offenses. Driving while undocumented would result in forfeiture of the car, according to the bill.
You can read the rest of Roque’s piece here.
This local February 6 report from Phoenix shares more:
It never ends.