WASHINGTON, DC — August 14 2017: Protesters gather outside the White House to rally against white supremacy. (Photo by kellybdc/Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license)
I’m burning up
there are very few numbers left
my saviors found in every corner
satisfy only when I surrender
to surrender is an act of faith
Faith is an act of love
Trust me let’s surrender
I’m sick in two languages and yet I still remember
your eyes that one rolling November
embers of Marches of truth
the circle it will close sooner as soon as more then 1
remembers. Closing circles of division, of anti-fellowship, of hate, let’s make that our job
let’s restore the peoples long unseated from the throne lets wake up the grandmothers of old let’s play games let’s work on letting it all collapse- what will remain once the system of shock is no more? Who knows… heaven only knows —let’s dare the Gods to find a pain greater then ours— we dream the nightmares of our ancestors in languages dead to our oppressors. Dishwashers, teachers, workers, wake up, wake up, wake up.
Carlos Rodríguez is an educator at Verbum Dei High School in Watts, CA. You can follow him @CarlosMRodrig89.