Law enforcement officers investigate the scene where shots were fired involving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in the parking lot of a Food Lion store on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019, in the Antioch neighborhood of Nashville, Tenn. (Shelley Mays/The Tennessean via AP)
On Thursday evening, Latino Rebels received the following media release from Movements Including X (MIX), a grassroots Tennessee groups that focuses on community organizing and immigrant rights. The statement was in response to a published story that included a statement by U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE).
Here is the statement from the MIX:
NASHVILLE — On Thursday September 5, 2019, an Immigration Customs and Enforcement agent approached three men in a white work van parked in the Food Lion located in Antioch, TN. The Food Lion parking lot is used as an informal rideshare parking. Neighbors have expressed fear and anxiety over the fact that ICE has escalated a civil matter into the use of deadly force. The MIX denounces terrorizing of community members, using lethal force against our neighbors, and calls on our local elected officials to end cooperation with ICE.
The plain-clothed Immigration Customs and Enforcement agent approached three men in a parked white work van and requested to see IDs without any reported provocation or necessity. Two of the men in the van provided their IDs. However, the third person exercised his right to refuse to show his ID without a judicial warrant. Then the ICE agent fired an unconfirmed number of gunshots at the man who refused to show his ID.
The victim managed to escape in the box truck that was found parked in a neighborhood trailer park nearby. Federal officials and MNPD are still looking for the victim and are currently unaware of his whereabouts. Members of the MIX’s program Migra Watch were the first on the scene and arrived to start a live stream and record the incident.
The two men, who were with the victims, were interviewed by federal investigators. A bystander managed to speak with one of the witnesses verifying their story—ICE shot first and used lethal force when a community member exercised their right to refuse to show ID. No other weapon was fired. Nashville Metro Police arrived on the scene after the ICE agent reported gunfire, and soon thereafter, FBI agents arrived to take over and initiate a federal investigation.
“This is unlike anything we have seen before. We have never seen an ICE agent use lethal force in a civil matter before,” said Anna Albescu, member of The MIX. The ICE agent who was involved in this incident was one of two agents involved in a prior incident that occurred in Hermitage, TN, on July 22, 2019. In Hermitage, ICE attempted to use MNPD’s presence to intimidate a father to leave his vehicle after he calmly and lawfully refused.
“In light of what happened this morning, it is clear that Immigration Customs and Enforcement officials are aware and frustrated that community members understand how to exercise their rights. Now, ICE agents are taking out their frustrations on our neighbors by escalating civil matters into use of lethal force,” said Hernan Crescencio, member of the MIX.
VIDEO: @NC5 obtained video of the incident involving an ICE agent firing at a box truck with a man he tried to arrest. Federal officials say this was a possible assault on an ICE agent. STORY: https://t.co/9iHR9TBkQg pic.twitter.com/rswfIwqHNL
— Matthew Torres (@News_MTorres) September 5, 2019
The MIX is calling upon Mayor David Briley, mayoral candidate John Cooper, and our Metro Council to employ their resources to end Nashville’s cooperation with Immigration Customs and Enforcement agency officially and indefinitely. The MIX is demanding a thorough investigation into the incident and demanding the absolute end of collaboration with ICE at every level within our city. Our community needs to feel safe and we deserve to be safe within our own city.
EDITOR’S NOTE: On Saturday, September 7, Latino Rebels spoke with the MIX.
In addition, Buzzfeed News reported about what ICE spokesperson Bryan Cox is saying: “Cox said the undocumented man was previously convicted of domestic assault and aggravated child abuse. Davidson County court records show a conviction for domestic assault, but a separate charge of aggravated child abuse was dropped at the request of prosecutors. Asked to clarify, Cox said he had additional criminality but declined to go into details citing privacy rules.”
UPDATE, September 9: Local Nashville media is reporting that one of the ICE agents who was at the scene of the shooting “had been named in at least two settled federal lawsuits.”
This is open warfare by the ICE gestapo thugs. They are all cowardly former draft dodgers and soldier wannabes who were too low IQ possessors to qualify for the real armed services. We need to defund and eliminate this branch of our government.
I was once so proud to call myself an American. I am now so disgusted by the fascist leaning government that I cry about the treatment of fellow human beings. I can’t bear to see another baby/child torn from its mother’s arms and crying alone in some concentration camp, where disease and horrific unsanitary conditions exist. Proud?!? No. But so sad.
[…] — Yesterday in Antioch, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent shot and injured an unarmed man in a grocery […]
ICE must be shut down. They are a thuggish brutal nazi-esque force that has no business even existing.
This is so sad..
I’m old, and I too (like Louise Kinnard above)…I am ashamed of how my country is acting with rgeards to immigrants…to be clear..immigrants *of color*…
I’m sure if this had been 3 Polish or Czech men…..ICE wouldn’t have batted an eye…
These are civilians workers that have families and not terrorists to be gun shot down for not showing id; violation of human rights. These ICE agents are as corrupted as Trump! ICE should go after Trump’s wife who is a European immigrant that came to the USA with a temp visa work and Trump illegally help her out not following the immigration processes…The rich gets away with violating the law!
Trump’s wife should be the first to be deported back to her country…Trump is the first one that violated his own immigration laws …violator of human rights killing innocent working immigrants by this corrupted agency ICE and cops etc. shame on this administration!
This isn’t in a 150 square miles from the north or south border boundaries. ICE AGENT clearly going ROGUE or ORDERED to implement UNLAWFUL ODERS BASED OF RACIAL PROFILING. ICE AGENTS can’t be that Stupid or ignorant of Constitutioal Law. No one is required to produce an ID, unless they’re being CHARGED with a CRIME. ICE just Bought themselves a Lawsuit for violating one’s CIBIL RIGHTS.
I’m with the Brown Beret National Party from Los Angeles, California. We help deal with situations like this. I’m living in Tennessee at this time. Please feel free to message me or call me.
1-928-210-3729. If there’s anything I can do please let me know.
This appears to be totally outrageous….I would like to see the ICE response to this just to be fair…but, bottom line, unless one of the three people being questioned displayed a firearm, what in the world would justify this response?? I await some sort of reporting on this.
How is ICE funded? How much is their budget? What do our Congress men and women plan to do about this renegade organization?
ICE is claiming the guy tried to run over their agent. The picture of the truck with the bullet hole in the windshield tends to support their story. Unless it was a magic bullet that somehow did a 90 degree turn in the air. I’m as disgusted by what ICE does as anybody, but leaving out the bullet hole in the windshield is pretty big omission.
Except that it might have been the agent himself who shot his windshield,
You can see in the clip exactly what happened. Nobody tried running anybody over, the guy just drove off. Not showing your ID is not illegal, and nobody should be killed for not doing something illegal.
You all, who are sooo upset/ashamed to be American…should leave. He was not unarmed. He had a deadly weapon (box truck), plus you were not there & dont know if he tried to pull out a weapon. Im happy our ICE agents are safe. Do you all feel ashamed when criminals break laws and go to jail, being torn from their families? The serial killer, the home burglar, the rapist or the child molester? Do you weep for them being torn from their families!???? #getout and yes, im latino
Shut up, vendido. Same thing u said right back at u. You weren’t there, u don’t know that he didn’t have a weapon, also he was breaking no laws, refusing id checks is not a crime. I hope, that if this happens to one of your family or friends, that u don’t say the same ignorant stuff you just did. #ugetout
You realize you are partaking in Then Leave Fallacy, correct? It is even considered a subclass of Ad Hominem.
Then you used a bit of Appeal to Emotion and Whataboutism.
And there are more fallacies but this is where I stop analyzing, sit back, and laugh at your attempt
Are you insane OUR COUNTRY IS RUN BY A DICTATOR. SHUT your stupid mouth.
Bootlicker. When citizens are arrested and “torn from their children” they get: a phone call, a lawyer, clean water, their medication, and CPS will look after the children if nobody else can. When ICE detains someone: no phone call, no lawyer, detained in inhumane conditions, their medication will be taken, and their children left on the streets. There’s no comparison.
I’ll say it again: bootlicker.
People like you should live this country and join with so many armed cowards and criminals. Unfortunately you have the right to remain as part of this corrupt society joining that bunch of cowards. Your remind us of Trump’s stupidity, your accusation without a fundament from the mouth of a Latino, are a shame for our persecuted and criminalized community. If you do not like a country exercising their rights to fight against abusive authorities, please give us a favor and live because if you like it or not, honorably people will keep fighting for their rights.
not unlike anything we’ve seen before, just like the Gestapo rounding up Jews and others.
Those to ICE agents should be fired without pay and go to jail. It should all be that way for any agent that thinks they rule shit. Fuck those agents.
Very articulate. Conjugation of a complete sentence in your third attempt finally made your point.
VOTE, VOTE and don’t forget VOTE
[…] On Thursday, an U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) opened fire in the parking lot of grocery story located in one of Nashville’s immigrant neighborhoods, injuring a man who had reportedly refused to show the agent his identification. Local reports say the man is 39 years old and from Veracruz, Mexico. Why did this happen? For this latest episode of Latino Rebels Radio, we talk with Brenda Pérez of The Mix Nashville to discuss the latest. The Mix is a grassroots organization that focuses on community organizing and immigration rights. On Thursday night, The Mix released a statement about the shooting. […]
First they came for the Mexicans, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Mexican.
Then they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Muslim.
Then they came for the NonWhites, and I did not speak out— because I was not NonWhite.
Then they came for the LGBTQ, and I did not speak out— because I was not LGBTQ.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
This quote is just never as pointed as the original. Probably because the original was discussing ACTUAL GENOCIDE!!!
The “actual genocide” in WWII did not begin with genocide. It began with harassment, unjust detainment, unjust laws, etc., all aimed at particular groups. Go back and get the details so you never again dismiss an apt comparison.
Since this took place about three blocks from my home, I’ll make 3 quick points.
1. The suspect was armed. He was using his vehicle as a weapon.
2. The suspect has been deported several times after being apprehended after committing other crimes.
3. Individuals who trespass (illegally entering) into this country are a appropriately defined as illegal immigrants. Language should not change just because some people don’t like it.
I appreciate the Federal government doing it’s best to protect me, a citizen, from foreign threats (multiple deportations for multiple other crimes), as laid out in the Constitution of the United States.
Look the guy had charges in him from child abuse to domastic abuse. Plus other criminal charges that they won’t say. The other 2 showed thier ID so why wouldn’t the 3rd one ??? Because he had already been deported several times and because of his criminal background. That guy tried to run down the ICE agent. The ICE agent had every right to shoot !!
Even if as you say they had every right to shoot.How would you have liked to be there when they’re shooting.Sorry but this type of policing sucks
And don’t forget to read that editors note at the bottom of the article. ?
[…] https://www.latinorebels.com//2019/09/06/iceagentopensfire/ […]
If the guy showed no ID how did the ICE Agent know that he had any criminal history?? Hmmm cops are psychic now??
Release the name of the agent.
Whatcha gonna do about it there keyboard warrior? “Release the name, so I can join with others to shame him on the internet.”
[…] reported that one of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents involved in last Thursday’s shooting of an undocumented immigrant man in the parking lot of a local grocery story had been named in two settled lawsuits. Here is the […]
Trump promised he would go after the illegals who are convicted criminals, drug pushers, and MS-13 gang member, but his ICE Gestapo only goes after mothers, children (and now children in hospitals fighting fatal diseases) and quite fathers who pay their taxes and cause no trouble. They are doing the same exact things that the Nazis did to the Jews.
[…] is being investigated by the FBI, as if ICE had committed some type of serious crime. And the LatinoRebels.com website says that residents of the Nashville neighborhood where he was arrested, “have expressed […]
[…] is being investigated by the FBI, as if ICE had committed some type of serious crime. And the LatinoRebels.com website says that residents of the Nashville neighborhood where he was arrested, “have expressed […]
[…] of gunshots at the man who refused to show his ID.” The details of the entire story are here, and the Antioch story once again proved how much of a rogue agency ICE can be, along with other […]