Pete Wilson Finally Agreed to Interview for LA Times/Futuro Studios ‘The Battle of Prop 187’ Podcast: Here It Is

Nov 14, 2019
1:22 PM

If you were an avid listener of “The Battle for 187” —the LA Times/Futuro Studios collaboration hosted by Gustavo Arellano— you knew that the team tried for several months to interview former California governor Pete Wilson for the show. Yes, the Pete Wilson, who literally based his campaign on Prop 187.

Apparently, the day after the podcast premiered, Wilson agreed to an interview. So the team decided to publish a bonus episode called “Re-Pete.”

In the interview, Arellano finally got to ask Wilson questions that have been bothering him forever. For instance who created that crazy “They Keep Coming” ad? And did undocumented families like Gustavo’s ruin California?

This is the episode:

For more about the series, click here.

Futuro Studios is the new creative division of Maria’s Hinojosa’s Futuro Media Group, focusing on original podcasts and programming. Latino Rebels is also part of Futuro Media.