A Detroit Community Podcast Lab Triple Feature

Sep 1, 2022
10:34 AM

AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File

This week, Latino Rebels Radio is proud to present three podcasts from Futuro Media’s Detroit Community Podcast Lab. Partnering with WDET, Futuro brought its Community Podcast Lab to Detroit, helping to capture the untold stories from the neighborhoods of the city.

These are the three podcasts featured in this episode:

“Detroit Hustle” by Catalina Rios
A podcast where we honor the stories of hustle by uplifting the culture, creativity, and ingenuity of Detroit and its people! This is a show about putting respect on the hustle by listening to stories from hustlers themselves and their loved ones.

“Hidden in Plain (Site)” by Saundra Little
In a city that is 80 percent Black, we lack the history and storytelling of Detroit Black architects. As a practicing African American architect, I am in disbelief by the large number of Detroit architecture lovers that do not know the significant body of work that is designed by Black architects in our great city. We will take a storytelling journey of hidden in plain sight gems of these overlooked creative giants.

“Tahrir wa al Hurriyah” by Reda Taleb
In Arabic, Tahrir means liberation and Hurriyah means freedom. Using the power of storytelling, we will embark on a journey to cultivate a brave space for sharing our lived experiences. This podcast will amplify the impact of mass incarceration, the carceral state, and CVE policies on Arab-Americans and Muslims, while centering Islamophobia in the U.S.