Luis Gallardo
Puerto Rican Statehood for the Wrong Reasons (OPINION)
Congress has a lot to lose and little to gain.
America’s Little Colony
Under the normal circumstances of any other Latin American country, Puerto Rico would be a hotbed of civil unrest.
A False Majority for Statehood (OPINION)
Here we go again.
El ‘chijí chijá’ del estatus
No existe interés ni ambiente en Washington para discutir el estatus y no existe un consenso claro y contundente en Puerto Rico sobre obligar la discusión.
Everything You Need to Know About the Proposed Federal Control Board for Puerto Rico
What exactly does it really mean?
Descolonización a conveniencia
Bajo la bandera de la descolonización se han visto alianzas raras e inesperadas. Se han visto figuras tan opuestas como Rubén Berríos y Pedro Rosselló compartiendo el mismo podio en las Naciones Unidas para denunciar el colonialismo. De la misma forma, el pre-candidato a la gobernación Ricky Rosselló dirigió el movimiento “no partidista” Boricua ¡Ahora […]
Puerto Rican Statehood: Uncharted Territory
Pro-statehood activists often tout about how the quality of life in the 50 U.S. states is superior to Puerto Rico’s. Pundits cite stateside per capita income, school retention rates and the lower cost of electricity of the mainland U.S. as reasons why Puerto Rico should become a state. About a year ago, the pro-statehood New […]
Breaking the Myth of ‘El Mantengo’ in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico’s social situation is a bit more complex than the traditional bourgeois versus proletariat class conflict. Puerto Rico has a large underemployed class, heavily dependent on government social programs and handouts and commonly referred in a derogatory fashion, mantenidos or cuponeros. More than half of Puerto Rican families in 2007, for example, received food […]